Association Law

Home Association Law
  • Condominium Law

As more and more condominiums are built in Florida the more conflicting situations arise among unit owners. These dwellings were designed to meet the demand for housing, promote a harmonious lifestyle, allow for a successful corporate living, unfortunately, this is not the reality for many a condo owner and or tenant.

The complaints are not new. Unit owners believe Condominium Board of Directors (“Board”) do not take responsibility for repairs that they believe the Board should be responsible for, or that the actions of the board are not in the best interest of the community. The Condominium Board oftentimes feels unappreciated for a job that is generally voluntary and unpaid.

Disputes arise because of a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, Board governance and/or community management; personal disputes involved members or even tenants. The shared facilities, including roof and stairs, the common elements, the limited common elements, paying of assessments, special assessments and even voting disputes. 

All Points Legal offers a dynamic and collaborative approach to your condo disputes whether you are a condo Board seeking advice as to a situation impacting the entire community; or are a unit owner who feels that your rights are being violated. 

Contact us today to discuss your legal issue, we will be happy to speak with you!

  • Homeowners Association

Do you ever feel like you are paid monthly, or even quarterly fees and the Associations’ Board of Directors (“Association”) is not doing its job? Is your roof leaking and the Association is refusing to conduct repairs?

Homeowners’ associations disputes are covered under Chapter 720 of Florida Statutes. This typically includes townhomes and/or single-family dwellings which are a part of an Association.   Similar to persons living in condo associations these communities were created for ease of living yet may also lead to conflict.

Did the Association’s Board change the rules without a proper vote? Are you being singled out for violations while other homeowners are left to their own devices? Do you need accommodation to get a waiver of a no pet policy? Is the Association’s Board unable to effectively carry out their duties?

We have experience in handling Association disputes. Contact us today to discuss your legal issue. We will be happy to speak with you! 

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Attorney Keisha Hall

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